May 11Liked by Chris Miner - R66343

What a story. While not having lived through my own incarceration. I’ve been so disappointed when recidivism happens to those I’ve had high hopes for. But like you, I don’t give up, I’ve known some true turn arounds. And … there but for the Grace of god go I. I got sober before I killed any one drunk driving. I quit selling drugs before I got caught.

I also feel extreme sympathy for those with a predilection to children sexually. No less than what I feel for the victims. Yes, most were abused as children themselves. What an internal fight must be raging in them, with self hatred no doubt usually winning.

Thanks for writing your truth.

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May 11Liked by Chris Miner - R66343

No. His actions are not your fault. The hardest thing to accept in fields like yours and mine is that you can’t save everyone. You’ve got to release yourself of that burden and remember you’re human and you’re doing what you can. My heart goes out to you.

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Powerful piece bro. I know the dude who just got into the hostage situtation in Urbana, police had the MRAP and all their toys, pretty much the same story you tell. Thanks for telling it and keeping it real. BD

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